
See my page for various writings on philosophy of mind and moral philosophy.

See my YouTube channel for videos on mind and meaning and for my weekly "Adventures Among Ideas" series. "Adventures Among Ideas" is also available as an audio podcast on various apps.

I am also an editor of the forthcoming "Collected Essays of Jay Ogilvy." Some of my work with Jay is documented at the Choosing Our Futures YouTube channel.

English & American Literature

I am working on a series of studies of Ralph Ellison's second novel. More about this anon.

See my page for writings on Zora Neale Hurston and Thomas Carlyle.

Cultural History & Analysis

See my page for writings on Romanticism and analyses of people such as Jon Hassell, Morse Peckham, and Jordan Peterson.

See my YouTube channel for videos Romanticism and literature. Also see the "Adventures Among Ideas" podcast.

And I am working on a book about the cultural historian/philosopher Morse Peckham with Romanticism and film studies scholar Will Kitchen.

Odia Music and Literature

See my for my dissertation and various other writings and translations on this topic.

My study and translation of the 19th-century Odia song cycle Kishorachandrananda Champu will be published soon by Vidyapuri.