WORK IN PROGRESS!—Here you will find a bibliography of the available writings of Morse Peckham (1914–1993). The bibliography is organized chronologically, from the 1940s to the 1990s. Interested researchers may also wish to consult the bibliography provided by H. W. Matalene and Leo Daugherty in Morse Peckham, The Romantic Virtuoso (1995). That bibliography has a different organization and includes some items which are unpublished/unavailable.


  • 1946. “A Bailey Collection.” Princeton University Library Chronicle 7(4): 177–184.

  • 1947. “American Editions of Festus: A Preliminary Survey.” Princeton University Library Chronicle 8(4): 177–184.

  • 1947. “Guilt and Glory: A Study of 1839 Festus, a Nineteenth-Century Poem of Synthesis.” PhD diss., Princeton University.

  • 1948. “Selections from the Letters of Philip James Bailey.” Princeton University Library Chronicle 9(2): 79–92.


  • 1950. “Blake, Milton, and Edward Burney.” Princeton University Library Chronicle 11(3): 107–126.

  • 1950. “English Editions of Philip James Bailey’s Festus.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 44: 55–58.

  • 1951. “Dr. Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopedia.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 45: 337–358.

  • 1951. “Toward a Theory of Romanticism.” PMLA 66(2): 5–23. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism, 1970]

  • 1952. Review of Yale College, an Educational History, 18711921: Volume one of Yale, College and University, 18711937 by George Wilson Pierson. American Quarterly 4(4): 360, 362–363.

  • 1953. “Constable and Wordsworth.” College Arts Journal 12(3): 196–209. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1953. “Is Poetry Self-Expression?” Four Quarters 2(4): 1–5. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1954. “Emancipating the Executives.” Chicago Review 8(3): 104–114.

  • 1956. “The Problem of the Nineteenth Century.” In The Cultural Heritage of 20th Century Man. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1956. Review of The Development of Academic Freedom in the United States by Richard Hofstadter and Walter P. Metzger and Academic Freedom in Our Time by Robert M. MacIver. American Quarterly 8(1): 88–91.

  • 1956. “What Did Lady Windermere Learn?” College English 18(1): 11–14. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1958. “A Survey of Romantic Period Textbooks.” College English 20(1): 49–60.

  • 1959. “Darwinism and Darwinisticism.” Victorian Studies 3(1): 1940.

  • 1959. (editor) The Origin of Species [by Charles Darwin]: A Variorum Text. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press


  • 1960. Humanistic Education for Business Executives: An Essay in General Education. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

  • 1961. “Toward a Theory of Romanticism: II. Reconsiderations.” Studies in Romanticism 1(1): 1–8.

  • 1962. Beyond the Tragic Vision: The Quest for Identity in the Nineteenth Century. New York: George Braziller.

  • 1962. “Metaphor: A Little Plain Speaking on a Weary Subject.” Connotation 1: 29–46. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1962. Review of Images, or What Happened to the American Dream by Daniel J. Boorstin. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 344: 183.

  • 1962. Review of The Tangled Bank: Darwin, Marx, Frazer and Freud as Imaginative Writers by Stanley Edgar Hyman. Victorian Studies 6(2): 180–182.

  • 1963. “Recent Studies in Nineteenth-Century English Literature.” Studies in English Literature, 1500–1900 3(4): 596–611.

  • 1963. “Sign/Symbol in the New Bayreuth.” Connotation 2: 70–97.

  • 1965. “The Dilemma of a Century: The Four Stages of Romanticism.” In Romanticism: The Culture of the Nineteenth Century, ed. Morse Peckham, 15–33. [Also collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1965. Man’s Rage for Chaos: Biology, Behavior, and the Arts. Philadelphia: Chilton Books.

  • 1965. Review of The Artifice of Reality: Poetic Style in Wordsworth, Foscolo, Keats, and Leopardi by Karl Kroeber. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 64(3): 591–593.

  • 1965. Review of The Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers by J. Hillis Miller. Victorian Poetry 3(3): 202–205.

  • 1965. (editor) Romanticism: The Culture of the Nineteenth Century. New York: George Braziller.

  • 1965. “Romanticism: The Present State of Theory.” The PCTE Bulletin 12: 31–53. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1966. “Art and Disorder.” Literature and Psychology 16: 62–80. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1966. “The Place of Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Romantic Culture.” Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 15: 3649. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1967. “Aestheticism to Modernism: Fulfillment or Revolution?” Mundus Artium 1 (1970): 3655. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1967. “Art and Creativity: Proposal for Research.” Art Education 20(4): 58. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1967. “Can ‘Victorian’ Have a Useful Meaning?” (Review of Mid-Victorian Studies by Geoffrey Tillotson and Kathleen Tillotson, New York: Oxford University Press, 1965.) Victorian Studies 10(3): 273277.

  • 1967. “Discontinuity in Fiction: Persona, Narrator, Scribe.” Invited Address, Annual Meeting of the South Central Modern Language Association. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1967. “Literary Interpretation as Conventionalized Verbal Behavior.” Penn State Papers in Art Education 2. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1967. “Order and Disorder in Fiction.” Sage 11: 225–243. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1967. “Theory of Criticism.” Conference on Literary Criticism, Geneseo State University College, SUNY. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1968. “The Current Crisis in the Arts: Pop, Op, and Mini.” Studies in the Twentieth Century 1: 21–38. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1968. “Hawthorne and Melville as European Authors.” In Melville & Hawthorne in the Berkshires: A Symposium, edited by Henry A. Murray and Howard P. Vincent, 42–62. Kent: The Kent State University Press. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1968. “Historiography and The Ring and the Book.” Victorian Poetry 6(3–4): 243–257. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1968. “Semantic Autonomy and Immanent Meaning.” Genre I(III): 190–194.

  • 1969. Art and Pornography: An Experiment in Explanation. New York: Basic Books.

  • 1969. “The Intentional? Fallacy?” The New Orleans Review 1(2): 116–124. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1969. “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Nineteenth Century Culture: Some Problems.” South Atlantic Bulletin 34(1): 8.

  • 1969. “An Introduction to Emerson’s Essays.” In Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays: Second Series, ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Joseph Katz, v–xvi. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1969. “The Virtues of Superficiality.” In Peckham 1976e: 249–262.


  • 1970. “Art and Literature.” In Themes in World Literature, ed. George P. Elliot, Philip McFarland, Harvey Granite, and Morse Peckham, 38–45, 166–172, 291–296, 391–396, 447–453, 563–569, 617–622, 690–697. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1970. “The Deplorable Consequences of the Idea of Creativity.” In Peckham 1976e: 206–221.

  • 1970. “Is the Problem of Literary Realism a Pseudoproblem?” Critique 12(2): 95–112. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1970. “On Romanticism: Introduction.” Studies in Romanticism 9(4): 217–224.

  • 1970. “Poet and Critic: Or, the Damage Coleridge Has Done.” Studies in the Twentieth Century 6(): 1–11.

  • 1970. “Religion as a Humanizing Force.” Southern Humanities Review 4(3): 214–222.

  • 1970. Review of Music, the Arts, and Ideas: Patterns and Predictions in Twentieth-Century Culture by Leonard B. Meyer. History and Theory 9(1): 127–135.

  • 1970. The Triumph of Romanticism. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.

  • 1970. Victorian Revolutionaries: Speculations on Some Heroes of a Culture Crisis. New York: George Braziller.

  • 1971. “The Arts and the Centers of Power.” In Peckham 1976e: 328–350.

  • 1971. “Arts for the Cultivation of Radical Sensitivity.” In Peckham 1976e: 285–312.

  • 1971. “The Corporation’s Role in Today’s Crisis of Cultural Incoherence.” In Peckham 1976e: 263–284.

  • 1971. “Cultural Stagnation in American Universities and Colleges.” In Peckham 1976e: 313–327.

  • 1971. “Ernest Hemingway: Sexual Themes in His Writing.” Sexual Behavior 1(4): 62–70. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1971. “Foundations of Modern Textual Editing.” In Proof: The Yearbook of American Bibliographical and Textual Studies, ed. Joseph Katz, vol. 1, 122–155. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.

  • 1971. “The Function of History in Nineteenth-Century European Culture.” Survey 17(3): 31–36. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1971. “On the Historical Interpretation of Literature.” In Romantic and Victorian: Studies in Memory of William H. Marshall, ed. Waymon Paul Elledge and Richard Lester Hoffmann, pp. ?. Rutherford: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. [Collected in The Triumph of Romanticism (1970)]

  • 1971. “Romanticism, Science, and Gossip.” In Peckham 1985b: 35–43.

  • 1972. “Ideas and the Arts.” In Explorations in Literature, ed. Philip McFarland, Linda Konichek, Jeanne King, William Jamison, and Morse Peckham, 33–40, 105–112, 209–216, 345–352, 417–424, 553–560. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1972. “Ideas and the Arts.” In Moments in Literature, ed. Philip McFarland, Melinda Kavanagh, William Jamison, and Morse Peckham, 33–40, 105–112, 241–248, 313–320, 385–392, 489–496. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1972. “Ideas and the Arts,” “Art,” “Music.” In Forms in English Literature, ed. Philip McFarland, Samuel Hynes, Larry D. Benson, and Morse Peckham, 223–233, 296–306, 268–277, 440–449, 639–649, 744–753. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1972. “Ideas and the Arts,” “Art,” “Music.” In Perceptions in Literature, ed. Philip McFarland, Allen Kirschner, William A. Jamison, and Morse Peckham, 64–73, 168–177, 272–281, 440–449, 544–553, 680–689. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1972. “Ideas and the Arts,” “Art,” “Music.” In Reflections in Literature, ed. Philip McFarland, Sharon Breakstone, William A. Jackson, and Morse Peckham, 96–105, 232–241, 336–345, 440–449, 512–521, 648–657. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1972. “Ideas and the Arts,” “Art,” “Music.” In Themes in American Literature, ed. Philip McFarland, Allen Kirschner, Alfred Ferguson, Larry D. Benson, and Morse Peckham, 64–73, 200–209, 336–345, 440–449, 576–585, 712–721. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

  • 1972. “Literature and Knowledge.” In Peckham 1976e: 222–246.

  • 1972. “Reflections on Historical Modes in the Nineteenth Century.” In Victorian Poetry, 277–300. London: Edward Arnold. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1973. “Browning and Romanticism.” In Peckham 1985b: 103–133.

  • 1973. “The Cultural Crisis of the 1970s.” In Peckham 1976e: 362–379.

  • 1973. “The Current Consequences of Romanticism in the Arts.” In Proceedings of the Seventh National Sculpture Conference, 53–68. Lawrence, KS: National Sculpture Center.

  • 1973. “Humanism, Politics, and Government in the Nineteenth Century.” In Peckham 1976e: 351–361.

  • 1973. “Frederick the Great.” In Peckham 1985b: 83–101.

  • 1973. “Iconography and Iconology in the Arts of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” The Stucturist 12: 26–31. [Collected in expanded form in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1973. “Philosophy and Art as Related and Unrelated Modes of Behavior.” In Peckham 1985b: 187–201.

  • 1973. “Rebellion and Deviance.” Conference presentation, Florida State University. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1974. “Man’s Use of Nature.” In Peckham 1985b: 203–224.

  • 1974. “Psychology and Literature.” In Peckham 1985b: 247–269.

  • 1974. Review of Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature by M. H. Abrams and Revolution and Romanticism by Howard Mumford Jones. Studies in Romanticism 13(4): 359–365.

  • 1974. “Romanticism and Behavior.” Philosophical Exchange: The Annual Proceedings of the Center for Philosophical Exchange 1(5): 65–83. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1974. “The Place of Sex in the Work of William Faulkner.” Studies in the Twentieth Century 14: 1–20. [Collected in Romanticism and Behavior (1976)]

  • 1974. “Victorian Counterculture.” In Peckham 1985b: 143–163.

  • 1975. “A Doctor of Philosophy in the Humanities.” South Atlantic Bulletin 40(1): 29–47.

  • 1975. (with David R. King) “Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts.” In Language and Texts: The Nature of Linguistic Evidence, ed. Herbert H. Paper, 1123–1146. Ann Arbor: Center for the Coordination of Ancient and Modern Studies, University of Michigan.

  • 1975. “Notes on Freehafer and the CEAA.” Studies in the Novel 7(3): 402–404.

  • 1975. “Preface.” In Peckham 1976e: vi–vii.

  • 1976. “Romantic Historicism in Italy: Opera, Painting, Fiction.” In Peckham 1985b: 45–82.

  • 1976. “Conventions Ridden.” NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction 9(2): 171–172.

  • 1976. Review of Romantic Progression: The Psychology of Literary History by Colin Martindale. American Literature 48(2): 249–251.

  • 1976. Review of The Transformative Vision: Reflections on the Nature and History of Human Expression by José A. Argüelles. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34(3): 343–344.

  • 1976. Romanticism and Behavior: Collected Essays II. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.

  • 1977. “An Explanation of ‘Realism.’” In Peckham 1985b: 135–142.

  • 1977. “The Infinitude of Pluralism.” Critical Inquiry 3(4): 803–816.

  • 1977. “‘Literature’: Disjunction and Redundancy.” In Peckham 1985b: 291–301.

  • 1977. “Perceptual and Semiotic Discontinuity in Art.” In Peckham 1985b: 271–289.

  • 1977. “The Pleasures of the Po.” The Texas Arts Journal 1: 1–12.

  • 1977. Review of The Classic: Literary Images of Permanence and Change by Frank Kermode. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 76(1): 117–121.

  • 1977. “Semiotic Interpretation in the Humanities.” In Man in 7 Modes: Theory, Interpretation, Poetry, Fiction, Music, Autobiography, Pedagogy, ed. William E. Ray, 10–18. Winston-Salem, NC: Southern Humanities Conference.

  • 1977. “Thoughts on Editing Sordello.” Studies in Browning and His Circle 5(1): 11–18.

  • 1977. “Two Ways of Using ‘Creativity.’” In Peckham 1985b: 225–232.

  • 1978. “Edgar Saltus and the Heroic Decadence.” In Peckham 1985b: 165–174.

  • 1978. “The Evaluation of Art.” Arts Exchange 2(1): 13–15.

  • 1978. “The Problem of Interpretation.” In Peckham 1985b: 317–337.

  • 1978. Review of The Romantic Will by Michael G. Cooke. Studies in Romanticism 17(1): 91–93.

  • 1978. “Romanticism, Surrealism, and Terra Nostra.” In Peckham 1985b: 175–183.

  • 1979. Explanation and Power: The Control of Human Behavior. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Originally published by Seabury Press, New York.)

  • 1979. “Three Notions about Criticism.” In Peckham 1985b: 303–316.


  • 1980a. “Literature and Behavior.” In Peckham 1985b: 339–364.

  • 1980b. Review of Critical Understanding: The Powers and Limits of Pluralism by Wayne C. Booth. The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 79(3): 429–431.

  • 1980c. Review of On the Margins of Discourse: The Relation of Literature to Language by Barbara Herrnstein Smith. Poetics Today 2(1a): 191–195.

  • 1980d. “Truth in Art? Why Not?” In Peckham 1985b: 233–243.

  • 1981. “Cultural Transcendence: The Task of the Romantics.” In Peckham 1985b: 11–33.

  • 1982. Review of Romantic Roots in Modern Art: Romanticism and Expressionism: A Study in Comparative Aesthetics by August Wiedmann. Studies in Romanticism 21(2): 259–260.

  • 1983. “Preface.” In Peckham 1985b: vii–viii.

  • 1985a. “Introduction.” In Peckham 1985b: 1–9.

  • 1985b. Romanticism and Ideology. Greenwood, FL: The Penkevill Publishing Company.

  • 1986. The Birth of Romanticism, 1790–1815. Greenwood, FL: The Penkevill Publishing Company.

  • 1986. “Documents.” In Literature and History: Theoretical Problems and Russian Case Studies, ed. Gary Saul Morson, 176–191. Stanford: Stanford University Press. (Paper given in 1983)

  • 1987. “Literature and the State.” Minneapolis: Center for Humanistic Studies, University of Minnesota. (Paper given in 1986.)

  • 1989. “Valuing.” Pre/Text 10(3–4): 209–216.

  • 1995. The Romantic Virtuoso. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.